
Haec est translatio: Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma, per Swedenborg, Emanuel.

Interpretatio in 日本語


What are we supposed to do with our lives? This little work explains the steps towards regeneration and how we can clear the ground and allow the Lord to implant and nurture a good set of loves within us. It's a practical book; a how-to guide to eternal happiness.

De hac translatione:


Dies creationis: 2002

Prolatio: Many thanks to Arcana Press for their permission to use this translation online.

Jus exemplaris: Arcana Press

All rights reserved by the publisher.

Potestas: Used with permission - Conditiones manifestae:

Ablatum: https://arcanapress.com/

Relatio Suggesta:

生命の教義. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
