Quinque Memorabilia

Hic est textus originalis: Quinque Memorabilia, ab Swedenborg, Emanuel.


In this draft, Swedenborg describes five scenes from his spiritual experiences. In one interesting case, he gets to feel what it's like to wake up in the afterlife.

De hac translatione:

In hac adumbratione, quinque scaenae experientiarum spiritualium describitur. Swedenborg habeat experientia simils sicut excitare in mundo spirituali.

Factum vel convertatum a(b): Swedenborg, Emanuel

Dies creationis: 1766

Prolatio: This is a Latin edition of one of Swedenborg's works (from 1766) that was left in manuscript, and is now lost. This edition was prepared in 1975, by John Chadwick and John Elliott, and published by the Swedenborg Society, London, England. It is based on two previous Latin editions edited by Christian Johansen and J.F.I. Tafel, respectively.

Jus exemplaris: Swedenborg Society

All rights reserved by the publisher.

Potestas: Used with permission - Conditiones manifestae:

Ablatum: https://www.swedenborg.org.uk

Hoc opus non primum ab auctore editum est.

Relatio Suggesta:

Quinque Memorabilia. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
