from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


De Sensu Interno Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis #0

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In 1761, Emanuel Swedenborg wrote an outline, in Latin, entitled "Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis". In it, he sketched out in brief he inner meaning of the Prophetical Books of the Word, from Isaiah to Malachi, and the Psalmuss, and then the first 16 chapters of Genesis. It provides a survey of the inner meaning of a substantial portion of the Old Testament, in one place. This work was not published by Swedenborg, but it was written after Arcana Coelestia, and it is largely consistent with other more detailed treatments made in his published works. 1

In the original Latin manuscript, Swedenborg cross-referred the outlined internal sense to a more general Table of Subjects 2 , shown just below.


Contenta in angustara coacta sunt sequentia.

1. De Domini adventu.

2. De Ecclesiae vastatione successiva.

3. De Ecclesia devástata totaliter, et de ejus rejectione.

4. De rejectione Domini ab Ecclesia.

5. De tentationibus Domini in genere.

6. De tentationibus usque ad desperationem.

7. De pugnis Domini cum infernis.

8. De victoria super Ulis, seu de subjugatione illorum.

9. De Passione crucis.

10. [De] glorificatione Humani Domini, seu de unitione cum Divino.

11. De nova Ecclesia loco prioris.

12. De nova Ecclesia, et simul de novo Coelo.

13. Status humiliationis coram Patre.

[14. Status unitionis cum Divino suo.] 3 15. De ultimo judicio ab Ipso.

16. Celebratio et cultus Domini.

17. De redemtione et salvatione, à Domino.

17.1. De Ecclesia devastata.

17.2. De pugnis cum infernis seu tentationibus.

17.3. De ultima quae fuit Passio crucis.

17.4. De glorificatione Humani.

17.5. De nova Ecclesia.

17.6. De novo Coelo.

In the following passages, those references are shown in parentheses, e.g. (3) would refer to subject number 3 above.

Each chapter of each book of the Prophets has one corresponding numbered section in Swedenborg's explanation of its inner meaning, or internal sense. Swedenborg listed the verses that relate to each outlined point. We have added hyperlinks to the verse references, shown to the left of each outlined point. The Psalmuss and initial chapters of Genesis are treated in a similar fashion.


In the same manuscript, at the beginning, Swedenborg wrote out a list of works that he intended to write and publish. While it's clearly related to the project of outlining the internal meaning of the Prophets, Psalmuss, and historical parts of the Word, it seems to be an independent list. We reproduce that list below, with its prefatory remarks:


Operis hujus posthumi Codex, qui est formae maximae oblongae, titulo caret, sed in Bibliotheca Regiae Academiae Holmiensis numero i notatus, et in dorso inserí plus est „Sensus prophetiсus." Primae ejus paginae lineis ad perpendiculum demissis sunt bibartitae, sed vacuae, numeris 532 ad 536, et (omissis 337. 338-) 339 ad 345 signatae, post quas prima auctoris verba sunt p. 346 - in prima columna:

„Quae edenda

1.) De Domino.

2.) De scriptura sacra seu de Verbo Domini

3.) Omnia religionis et cultus Dei in uno complexu in Decalogo.

4.) De fide.

5.) Sapientia Angelica de Divina Providentia.

6.) Sapientia Angelica de Divina Omnipotentia et Omniscientia, deque Infinitate et Aeternitate.

7.) Sapientia Angelica de vita.

8.) Sapientia angelica de Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia."


De statu humiliationis Domini 4 quod oraverit ad Patrem.

Quod oraverit ad Patrem Matth: XIV: 23; Joh: XVII: 9, 15, 20; Luc: V: 15; Luc: XXII: 37 ad 47; Marc: I:35; VI: 46; Marc: XIV: 32 ad 39.

et super crux ne desererit; et alibi

Quod tunc conjungerit Divino suo, ut cum baptisaretur, quod apereretur coelum, Luc: III:21.

cum transformatur, ibi orabat, Luc: IX:28, 29.

et cum orabat de glorificatione, quod dictum quod glorificatus et ulterius glorificabitur Joh: XII:42-43 [Joh. 12:28] 5

Se peterent in nomine Domini, quod Ispe faciet, Joh:XIV, 13.14


Ex Davide 6

quod dederint Ispi fel [Ps. 69:21]

quod vestes diviserint [Ps. 22:18]

quod odio habuerint Ipsum sine causa [Ps. 35:19]

Lapis quam rejecerunt architectis, Ps. CXVIII: 21, 22, 22 7


[2] 8

1. De Ecclesia devastata

2. De pugnis cum infernis, seu tentationibus

3. De ultima quae fuit Passio crucis

4. De glorificatione Humani

5, De nova Ecclesia

6. De novo Coelo


1. Swedenborg refers to this work in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 37.

Readers may also find these comparisons to be useful:

- The explanation of Ezechiel 1 (in n. 124 of this work) with Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra 97,

- Nos. 161 and 162 of this work, explaining Ezechiel 38, 39, with Apocalypsis Revelata 859,

- No. 236 of this work, explaining Sacharias 4, with Apocalypsis Revelata 43, and

- Nos. 244-246 of this work, explaining Sacharias 12, 13, 14, with Apocalypsis Revelata 707.]

2. In the beginning of this manuscript, Swedenborg listed the topics, or subjects, that he would use to classify his explanations of the chapters and verses of the Prophets, Psalmuss, and the first 16 chapters of Genesis. We have added lookup hyperlinks so that the reader can refer back to this list readily. We received the Latin text for this "front matter" from the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation.

3. Editor's Note (Schreck): No. 14 is crossed out by Swedenborg in his MS., and is never referred to in the text. It reads, "The state of unition with His Divine," which is the same as item number 10 in the list.

4. In the manuscript, there's also this list of passages from the New Testament that relate to the Lord's states of humiliation and glorification.

5. The transliterated Latin file that we used as a source had "quod glorificatus et alters glorificaberit," which we have changed to "quod glorificatus et rursus glorificaberit," to match Schmidius. The reference to John 12:42-43 should probably be to Joh. 12:28.

6. There are some brief notes about parallels between the Psalmuss of David and of the Lord's life in the world.

7. The transliterated Latin file that we used as a source had Ps. CXIII as a reference, but the correct reference here would be to Psalmus CXVIII, or Psalmus 118.

8. The manuscript also has this brief summary of the series of spiritual events that will happen as the church fails and a new one is begun. See Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino 3 for an outline of a similar set of themes that form the internal sense of the prophetical books.

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This Latin text was written by Swedenborg in 1761. It was first printed 12 years after Swedenborg's death, in 1784. An 1860 printing was edited by Tafel, probably by the Swedenborg Society in London ( We're not sure of the provenance of this text, and are researching it further. We received most of this text from the NewSearch project of the Academy of the New Church (, and the front matter courtesy of the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation (

from the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg


Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino #37

Studere hoc loco

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In primo articulo coeptum est demonstrare quod universa Scriptura Sacra sit de Domino, et quod Dominus sit Verbum: hic ulterius demonstrabitur ex locis e Verbo ubi Dominus vocatur Jehovah, Deus Israelis et Jacobi, Sanctus Israelis, Dominus et Deus, ut et Rex, Unctus Jehovae, David. In antecessum memorare licet, quod mihi datum sit omnes Prophetas et Davidis Psalmos percurrere, ac singulos versus lustrare et videre de quo ibi agitur; et visum est quod non de aliis rebus agatur, quam de ecclesia a Domino instaurata et instauranda, de Domini adventu, pugnis, glorificatione, redemptione et salvatione, et de caelo ab Ipso, et simul de oppositis. Quia omnia illa sunt Domini opera, patuit quod universa Scriptura Sacra sit de Domino, et inde quod Dominus sit Verbum.

[2] Verum hoc non videri potest, nisi quam ab illis qui in illustratione sunt a Domino, et qui sensum spiritualem Verbi etiam norunt. Omnes angeli caeli in hoc sensu sunt; quare illi, cum legitur Verbum ab homine, non aliud comprehendunt: sunt enim spiritus et angeli apud hominem jugiter; et illi, quia spirituales sunt, spiritualiter omnia intelligunt quae homo naturaliter. Quod tota Scriptura Sacra sit de Domino, solum in obscuro et sicut per transennam videri potest ex illis, quae supra in articulo primo (a 1-6) ex Verbo adducta sunt, et nunc ex his quae adducentur de Domino, quod toties dicatur Dominus et Deus; ex quo potest elucere, quod Ipse sit qui locutus est per Prophetas, apud quos ubivis dicitur, "Locutus est Jehovah," "Dixit Jehovah," et "Dictum Jehovah."

[3] Quod Dominus ante adventum suum in mundum fuerit, patet ab his:

"Johannes Baptista dixit de Domino, "Ille est, qui post me venturus est, qui ante me fuit, Cujus ego non sum dignus, ut solvam Ipsius corrigiam calcei. ...Hic est, de quo ego dixi, Qui post me venit, qui ante me fuit, et qui prior me fuit" (Johannes 1:27, 30).

In Apocalypsi,

Ceciderunt coram throno, super quo erat Dominus, "dicentes, Gratias agimus Tibi, Domine Deus, omnipotens, qui es, et qui eras, et qui venturus es" (11:16-17).

Tum apud Micham,

"Tu Bethlechem Ephrathaea, parum est ut sis inter millenas Jehudae; ex te Mihi exibit, qui erit Dominator in Israele, et cujus exitus ab antiquo, a diebus aeternitatis" (Micham 5:1 (B.A. 2)).

Praeter a Domini verbis apud Evangelistas, quod ante Abrahamum fuerit, quod gloriam apud Patrem habuerit ante mundi fundationem, quod exiverit ex Patre, et quod a principio fuerit Verbum apud Deum, et quod Deus esset Verbum, et quod hoc Caro factum sit. Quod Dominus dicatur Jehovah, Deus Israelis et Jacobi, Sanctus Israelis, Deus et Dominus, tum Rex, Unus Jehovae, David, constare potest ex his sequentibus.

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