Athanasian Creed (Harley translation)

Это перевод: De Athanasii Symbolo по Swedenborg, Emanuel

Оригинальная работа не была опубликована автором.

В переводе на English


In this short work Swedenborg describes the core theological problems relating to the Trinity, as stated in the Athanasian Creed. That creed was adopted at a meeting of church leaders some four centuries into the Christian era, and is still widely accepted in Christian churches today.

Об этом переводе:

In this short work Swedenborg describes the core theological problems relating to the Trinity, as it was described in the Athanasian Creed.

Дата создания: 1953

Благодаря: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Авторские права: Swedenborg Society

Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.

Лицензия: Used with permission - Просмотрите условия

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Данные публикации:

Опубликовано: 1953 в London, England издан Swedenborg Society

Рекомендуемые цитаты:

On the Athanasian Creed. [Written in 1760, not published by the author.] Translated. London, England: Swedenborg Society, 1953. Retrieved from:
