Consummation of the Age (Buss translation)

Ky është një përkthim i: De Consummatione Saeculi

Vepra origjinale nuk u botua nga autori i saj.

Përkthyer në English


Spiritual history traces the rise and fall of "churches" - the spiritual lives and worldviews of peoples. This outline draft describes the spiritual decline of the first Christian church and the beginning of the new Christian era.

Rreth këtij përkthimi:

Spiritual history traces the rise and fall of "churches" - the spiritual lives and worldviews of peoples. This outline draft describes the spiritual decline of the first Christian church and the beginning of the new Christian era.

Data e krijimit: 1931

Kredia: Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

E drejta e autorit: Swedenborg Society

Copyright Swedenborg Society. All rights reserved.

Liçensë: Used with permission - shih termat

Marrë nga:

Të dhënat e publikimit:

Publikuar: 1931 në London, England nga Swedenborg Society si pjese e 'Coronis

Citim i sugjeruar:

The Consummation of the Age. [Written in , not published by the author.] Translated. London, England: Swedenborg Society, 1931. Retrieved from:
