스웨덴보그의 저서에서


백마론 #1

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1. 백마론

요한계시록에서는 영적 또는 내적 의미에 대한 말씀을 다음과 같이 기술하고 있다.

내가 하늘이 열린 것을 보니, 보라, 백마와 탄 자가 있으니, 그 이름이 충신과 진실이라. 그가 정의로 심판하며 싸우더라. 그의 눈은 불꽃같고, 머리에는 많은 면류관이 있고, 또 이름 쓴 것이 하나 있으니, 자기 밖에 아는 자가 없더라, 그는 또 피에 젖은 옷을 입었더라. 그의 이름을 일러 하나님의 말씀이라 칭하더라. 하늘에 있는 군대들이 희고 깨끗한 아마포로 만든 옷을 입고 백마를 타고 그의 뒤를 따르더라. 그의 옷과 다리에 적힌 이름이 있으니, 만왕(萬王)의 왕이요 만주(萬主)의 주라 하더라 (요한계시록19:11-14, 16)

위의 표현이 내포하고 있는 의미 하나 하나를 알아낼 수 있는 사람은 아무도 없다. 오직 이들 표현의 내적 의미를 이해하는 이만이 알 수 있을 뿐이다. 하나 하나의 표현이 모두 표징적이고 의미심장함이 분명하다. 말하자면, ”하늘이 열렸다”, “백마가 그 곳에 있었더라”, ”정의로 심판하여 싸우더라”, “그의 눈은 불꽃같고”, ”머리에 많은 면류관이 있고”, ”이름 쓴 것이 하나 있으니 자기 밖에 아는 자가 없더라”., ”그는 또 피에 젖은 옷을 입었더라”, “하늘에 있는 군대가 백마를 타고 그를 따르더라.”, ” 그들은 희고 깨끗한 아마포로 만든 옷을 입었더라”, ” 그의 옷과 다리에 적힌 이름이 있으니”라는 표현이 모두 그러하다는 것이다. 분명히 알 수 있는 것은 이러한 서술이 ”말씀”이요, 말씀이 곧 주(Lord)라는 것이다. ”그의 이름을 일러 하나님의 말씀이라”라고 언급되어 있고 뒤이어 “그의 옷과 다리에 이름 쓴 것이 있으니, 만왕의 왕이오, 만주의 주라 하였더라”라고 언급되어 있기 때문이다. 하나 하나의 표현을 해석해 보면 이 곳에 언급된 말씀이 모두 영적이고 내밀한 의미를 지니고 있음이 분명하다. .”하늘이 열렸다”라는 표현은, 말씀의 내밀한 의미는 천국에서만 이해될 수 있으며 이 세상에 있는 자라도 천국이 열린 자에게만 이해될 수 있다는 것을 표징하고 의미한다. 하얀 백마는 말씀의 내밀한 의미를 이해한다는 것을 표징적으로 나타내는 것이다. 이 점이 백마가 표징하는 것이라는 점은 곧 밝혀질 것이다. ”백마를 탄 자”라는 표현은 말씀과 관련된 주요, 그러므로 주는 말씀 그 자체임이 분명하다 .”그의 이름을 일러 하나님의 말씀이라 칭하더라”라는 언급이 나와있기 때문이다. 선(善)을 근본으로 삼을 때에는”신실하고 정의로 심판하는”이로 호칭되며, 진리를 근본으로 할 때에는”정의로 심판하여 싸우는” 이로 호칭된다. 왜냐하면 주님 자신이 정의이기 때문이다. “그의 눈은 불꽃같고”라는 표현은 주님의 신성한; (Divine)사랑에 속하는 신성한 선(善)을 근본으로 하는 신성한 진실을 의미한다. ”그의 머리에 많은 면류관이 있고” 라는 표현은 믿음에 속하는 모든 선과 진리를 의미한다. ”이름 쓴 것이 하나 있으니 자신 밖에 아는 자가 아무도 없고”라는 표현은 내밀한 의미에서의 말씀의 본질은 주님과 주님이 그 의미를 드러내어주신 자만이 이해할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다. ”피에 젖은 옷을 입었더라”라는 표현은 /불경스러움과 곡해가 개재된 문자로 된 말씀을 의미한다. ”하늘에 있는 군대가 백마를 타고 그를 따르더라”라는 표현은 말씀의 내면을 이해하고 있는 사람들을 의미한다. ”희고 깨끗한 아마포로 만든 옷을 입고”라는 표현은 선을 근본으로 하는 진리 속에 존재하는 같은 부류의 사람들을 의미한다 .”그의 옷과 다리에 이름 적힌 것이 있으니” 라는 표현은 진리와 선, 그리고 그런 것들의 본질을 의미한다. 이같은 세부적인 사항과 19장의 전, 후에 보이는 세부적인 사항을 근거로, 우리는 교회의 마지막 시대에 말씀의 영적 또는 내적인 의미가 열릴 것이며 그 시대에 무슨 일이 벌어질 것인지에 대해서도 그러한 세부적인 사항에 이미 예견되어 있음을 분명히 알 수 있다 (시편17-21). 이것이 언급된 말씀의 의미라는 것을 여기에서 새삼 증명할 필요는 없다. 왜냐하면 그 점은 “천국의 비밀”에 상세히 설명되어있고 또 주님이 신적 진리인 까닭에 주님이 말씀임을 .밝히고 있기 때문이다. (천국의 비밀 2533, 2803, 2884, 5272, 7835)

그러므로 말씀은 하나님의 신성한 진리이다. (천국의 비밀 4692, 5075, 9987)

주님은 정의이신 까닭에 ”그는 백마를 타고 정의로 심판하며 싸우더라” 라고 언급되어 있으며 , 이러한 이유 때문에 그리고 자신의 권세를 인류를 위해 비축해 두셨기 때문에 ”정의”로 호칭된다. (천국의 비밀 1813, 2025-2027, 9715, 9809, 10019, 10152).

그러므로 “정의”는 오로지 주님에게만 속하는 미덕이다 (천국의 비밀 9715, 9979).

“그의 눈은 불꽃같고”라는 표현이 신성한 하나님의 사랑에 속하는 신성한 선을 근본으로 삼는 신성한 진리를 의미한다는 것은 “눈”은 믿음에 속하는 진리와 이해를 의미하며 (천국의 비밀 2701, 4403-4421, 4523, 4534, 9023, 9051, 10519), ”불꽃”은 사랑에 속하는 선을 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 934, 4906, 5215, 6314, 6832)

”그의 머리 위의 많은 면류관”은 믿음에 속하는 모든 선과 진리를 의미한다. (천국의 비밀 114, 3858, 6335, 6640, 9863, 9865, 9868, 9873, 9905)

”이름 쓴 것이 하나 있으니 자기 밖에 아는 자가 없더라”라는 표현이 내적 의미에서의 말씀의 의미의 본질은 주님 자신과 주님께서 말씀의 내적 의미를 드러내어 주신 자만이 이해할 수 있다는 것을 의미한다는 것은 ”이름”이 어떤 것의 본질을 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006, 3237, 3421, 4674, 9310)

”피에 젖은 옷을 입었더라”라는 표현이 곡해가 개재된 문자로 된 말씀을 의미한다는 것은 ”옷”이란 진리를 의미한다는 것이다. 진리는 선으로 나타나기 때문이라는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 1073, 2576, 5428, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536)

특히 궁극에 있어서의 진리를 의미한다는 것이다. 그러므로 문자로 된 말씀을 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 5428, 6918, 9158, 9212버). 그리고 “피”란 불경스러움이 개재된 그릇된 진리를 의미하기 때문이다.

”하늘에 있는 군대가 백마를 타고 그를 따르더라”라는 표현이 말씀의 내면을 이해하고 있는 자들을 의미한다는 것은 ”군대”란 천국과 교회의 진리와 선 속에 있는 자들을 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 3448, 7326, 7988, 8019).

”말”은 이해를 의미한다. (천국의 비밀 3217, 5321, 6125, 6400, 6531, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8318)

그리고 “흰 색”은 천국의 빛 가운데에 있는 진리를, 그러므로 내면의 (interior) 진리를 의미한다 (천국의 비밀 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319).

“희고 깨끗한 아마포로 만든 옷을 입고”라는 표현이 선을 근본으로 하는 진리 속에서 살아가는 같은 부류의 사람들을 의미한다는 것은, ”깨끗한 아마포” 또는”아마포”는 선을 근본으로 하는 진리인 천적인 기원(celestial origin)을 근본으로 하는 진리를 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 5319, 9469)

“옷과 다리에 이름 적힌 것이 있으니”라는 표현이 진리와 선, 그리고 그 본질을 의미한다는 것은 ”옷”은 진리를, ”이름”은 앞에서 언급한 바와 같이 본질을, 그리고 “다리”는 사랑으로 이루어진 선을 의미한다는 것이다. (천국의 비밀 3021, 4277, 4280, 9961, 10485).

”만왕의 왕이요, 만주의 주”는 신적 진리와 신적 선과 관련된 주이며 주는 신적 진리를 근본으로 삼는 ”왕”으로 호칭된다. (천국의 비밀 3009, 5068, 6148)

그러므로 그는 신적 선을 근본으로 삼는”주”로 호칭된다 (천국의 비밀 4973, 9169, 9174)

이러한 사실에서 영적 또는 내적 의미에서의 말씀의 본질이 무엇인지 분명해지며 또 말씀 속에는 어떤 영적인 것, 말하자면 천국과 교회에 대한 그 어떤 것을 의미하지 않는 표현은 하나도 없음이 분명하다.

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스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #9715

해당 구절 연구하기

/ 10837  

9715. 'From shittim wood' means righteousness. This is clear from the meaning of 'shittim wood' as the good of merit, and righteousness, which are the Lord's alone, dealt with in 9472, 9486. What righteousness and merit are, which are the Lord's alone, must be stated here and now. People think that the Lord earned merit and righteousness because He fulfilled all the requirements of the law and by His passion on the Cross saved the human race. But this is not what anyone should understand in the Word by the Lord's merit and righteousness. Rather they should understand by His merit and righteousness that He fought alone against all the hells and overcame them, and in so doing He restored to order everything in the hells and at the same time everything in the heavens. For each person has spirits from hell present with him, and angels from heaven; without them a person cannot lead any life at all. Unless the hells had been overcome by the Lord and the heavens restored to order no one could ever have been saved.

[2] Salvation could not have been won except through His Human, that is to say, except through conflicts with the hells, fought from His Human. And since the Lord did this by His own power, thus did it alone, to the Lord alone belong merit and righteousness. And for the same reason it is He alone who still conquers the hells with a person; for He who conquers them once conquers them for evermore. No one therefore has any merit or righteousness whatever; yet the Lord's merit and righteousness are his when he acknowledges that none is attributable to himself but all to the Lord. So it is that the Lord alone regenerates a person; for regenerating a person involves driving the hells away from him, consequently the evils and falsities which come from the hells, and implanting heaven in place of them, that is, forms of the good of love and the truths of faith since these constitute heaven. Through the conflicts engaged in repeatedly with the hells the Lord also glorified His Human, that is, made it Divine; for even as a person is regenerated by means of conflicts, which are temptations, so the Lord was glorified by means of conflicts, which were temptations. The glorification of the Lord's Human by His own power therefore is also merit and righteousness; for through this the person is saved because through it the Lord holds all the hells in subjection for evermore.

[3] The truth of all this is clear from places in the Word where the Lord's merit and righteousness are referred to, as in Isaiah,

Who is this who comes from Edom, with spattered clothes from Bozrah, marching in the vast numbers of His strength? I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Why are You red as to Your clothes, and Your clothes like his that treads in the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples not a man (vir) was with Me. Therefore I have trodden them in My anger, and trodden them down in My fury. Consequently their blood 1 has been sprinkled on My clothes, and I have stained all My clothing. For the day of vengeance was in My heart, and the year of My redeemed had come. I looked around, but there was no helper, and I wondered, but there was no one to uphold; therefore My own arm brought salvation to Me, and My own fury sustained Me. And I trod down the peoples in My anger, and shed their blood onto the ground. 2 Therefore He became the Saviour. Isaiah 63:1-8.

These words, it is well known, have regard to the Lord. His conflicts with the hells are described by the references to spattered clothes, redness as to His clothes, clothes like his that treads in the winepress, and to the day of vengeance. His victories over the hells and His placing them in subjection are described by the statements that He trod them in His anger, as a consequence of which their blood was sprinkled on His clothes, and that He trod down the peoples in fury 3 and shed their blood onto the ground. The Lord's doing these things by His own power is described by the statements that He trod the winepress alone and from the peoples not a man was with Him; that He looked around but there was no helper, He wondered but there was no one to uphold; and that His own arm brought salvation to Him. Salvation coming as a result of all this is described by the statements that He was marching in the vast numbers of His strength, mighty to save; that the year of His redeemed had come; and that therefore He became their Saviour.

[4] The fact that all these things are aspects of righteousness is even more plainly evident elsewhere in the same prophet,

He saw that there was no man (vir), and wondered that there was no intercessor; therefore His own arm brought salvation to Him, and His righteousness lifted Him up. Consequently He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon His head. He put on clothes of vengeance, and covered Himself with zeal as if with a cloak. Isaiah 59:16-17.

And in the same prophet,

My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples. In Me the islands will hope, and on My arm they will trust. Isaiah 51:5.

'The arm' which brought salvation to Him and on which they will trust is His own power by which He placed the hells in subjection, 'arm' being power, see 4932, 7205. From this it is evident what righteousness is and what merit is, which are the Lord's alone.

[5] Something similar occurs elsewhere in the same prophet,

Who stirred up [One] from the East, [One] whom in righteousness He called to be His follower, gave the nations before Him, and caused Him to have dominion over kings? Isaiah 41:2.

In the same prophet,

I have caused My righteousness to draw near, it is not far off; My salvation will not delay. Isaiah 46:13.

In the same prophet,

Jehovah will clothe Me with the garments of salvation; with the robe of righteousness He has covered Me. Isaiah 61:10.

In David,

My mouth will tell of 4 Your righteousness, of Your salvation all the day; I cannot measure them. 5 I will make mention of Your righteousness, Yours alone. Do not forsake me, until I have declared Your arm, Your power; for Your righteousness [reaches] all the way to the highest, O You who have done great things. Psalms 71:15-16, 18-19, 24.

In Jeremiah,

Behold, the days are coming when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, who will reign as King, and will prosper, and execute judgement and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is His name which they will call Him, Jehovah our Righteousness. Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:15-16.

And in Daniel,

Seventy weeks have been decreed to atone for iniquity, and to bring everlasting righteousness. 6 Daniel 9:24.

[6] The truth that righteousness and merit, which are the Lord's alone, consist in the Lord's subjection of the hells, His restoration of the heavens to order, and the glorification of His Human, and in the salvation that results from all this for the person who receives the Lord in love and faith, becomes clear from the places which have just been quoted. Yet people can have no understanding of this if they do not know that spirits from hell are present with a person and that from them evils and falsities come to him, and also that angels from heaven are present and that from them forms of good and truths come to him; if they do not know that a person's life is for this reason linked on one side to the hells and on the other to the heavens, that is, through the heavens to the Lord; and if they do not know that therefore no one could ever be saved unless the hells had been subdued and the heavens restored to order, and all things had accordingly been made subject to the Lord.

[7] From all this it may be seen why it should be that the good of merit that is the Lord's is the one and only good that reigns in the heavens, as stated above in 9486. For the good of merit now consists also in the everlasting subjection of the hells and the protection of true believers. This good is the good of the Lord's love; for it was from Divine Love that He engaged in conflict while in the world and was victorious. And it is from Divine Power in the Human acquired through that victory that, then and for evermore, on behalf of heaven and the Church and thus the entire human race, He fights alone, conquers, and so brings salvation. This then is the good of merit, which is called righteousness; for the work of righteousness consists in keeping the hells in check as they try to destroy the human race, and in protecting and saving those who are good and are true believers.

Regarding the Lord's conflicts or temptations when He was in the world, see 1663, 1668, 1690, 1691 (end), 1692, 1737, 1787, 1812, 1813, 1820, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2803, 2814, 2816, 4287, 7193, 8273.

The Lord fights alone for the human race against the hells, 1692 (end), 6574, 8159, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273, 8969.


1. literally, victory

2. literally, caused their victory to go down into the earth

3. The Latin means anger.

4. literally, will enumerate

5. literally, do not know the numberings

6. The Latin word rendered righteousness is sometimes translated justice, as it is in at least one previous quotation of this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #9905

해당 구절 연구하기

/ 10837  

9905. 'And you shall put into the breastplate of judgement the Urim and Thummim' means the radiance of Divine Truth from the Lord in last and lowest things. This is clear from the meaning of 'the breastplate of judgement' as Divine Truth shining forth from the Lord's Divine Good, dealt with in 9857; and from the meaning of 'the Urim and Thummim' as the light and radiance from there. The reason why light and radiance are meant by 'the Urim and Thummim' is that through the stones in the breastplate varying radiations of the light of heaven were emitted, these being determined by the answers given through them. This also explains why they assumed different colours. For the Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good manifests itself to the angels as light; it is the source of all the light of heaven. The colours from it, which are modifications of that light among the angels, are variations of intelligence and wisdom among them; for all wisdom and intelligence is a product of that Divine Truth or light. From this it may be recognized that radiations of that light in various colours are the medium through which Divine Truths coming as answers present themselves in the heavens. A similar function was served by the Urim and Thummim when God was asked something. But it should be remembered that whenever a radiance was seen in them the answer was declared at the same time by an audible voice. This declaration was made through angels, to whom what they declared had been revealed by the Lord through such a radiance; for as has been stated, this is how Divine Truths coming as answers present themselves in heaven.

[2] The light of heaven is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, see 1053, 1521-1533, 1619-1632, 2776, 3094, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3337, 3339, 3341, 3636, 3643, 3862, 3993, 4060, 4180, 4302, 4408, 4414, 4415, 4419, 4527, 4598, 5400, 6032, 6313, 6315, 6608, 6907, 7174, 8644, 8707, 8861, 9399, 9407, 9570, 9571 (end).

Colours appear in heaven, being modifications of that light among the angels, and so variations of intelligence and wisdom among them, 3993, 4530, 4677, 4742, 4922, 9466, 9467, 9865.

[3] The meaning of the words 'Urim' and 'Thummim' also goes to show that all this is so; for 'Urim' means a shining fire, and 'Thummim' the radiance from it. A shining fire is the Divine Truth emanating from the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love, and the radiance is that Truth on last and lowest levels, thus in effects. It should be recognized however that 'Thummim' in the Hebrew language means wholeness; it is in the angelic language that it means radiance. The expression 'in the angelic language' is used because when angels talk to one another they are thinking of the very essence of some matter as perceived deep within themselves, thus they speak in terms of its essential nature. What they express flows from those insights into appropriate sounds audible to the angels alone. The appropriate sound for the radiance of Divine Truth is Thummim. This then is the source of the term. Angels have a similar understanding of the word thum, meaning that which is whole or wholeness, whenever someone reads it in the Hebrew language. This explains why in the internal sense of the Word 'that which is whole' is used to mean Divine Truth on the level of effects, which is a life led in keeping with Divine commandments, as is made clear in a large number of places in the Word, such as Joshua 24:14; Judges 9:16, 19; Psalms 25:21; 37:37; 84:11; 101:2; 119:1.

[4] This also explains why the Urim and Thummim are called the judgement of the children of Israel, as well as the breastplate of judgement, and also the judgement of the Urim; for 'judgement' means Divine Truth in doctrine and life, see above in 9857. From all this it may now become clear that by means of the Urim and Thummim, that is, by means of the radiance produced by the light of heaven, the breastplate revealed Divine Truths in the natural sphere, thus on last and lowest levels. A like radiance also presents itself in the minds of those who are guided by truths springing from good. This radiance declares to them, so to speak provides the answers, when with heartfelt desire they seek to know what is true and love it as that which is good. That this kind of radiance is the means by which Divine Truth from heaven is revealed in the natural man of those who are enlightened by the Word is something which the world has no idea of, because the world does not know of any light from heaven that shines in the human understanding. But I have been allowed to realize and actually see that all this is so.

[5] In addition it should be recognized that this radiance appears on last and lowest levels because all forms of light from the Divine reach right down to the furthest ends; and since they reach down that far they also shine in them and from them. This now explains why the breastplate was placed over the ephod and above the girdle of it; for the ephod represented Divine Truth on last and lowest levels, 9824, while its girdle represented a common bond that existed to hold all things in connection, 9828, 9837. This is why verse 28 of the present chapter says, And they shall tie the breastplate from its rings to the rings of the ephod, so that it is above the girdle of the ephod and the breastplate will not come away from upon the ephod. The reason why the names of the sons of Israel were in addition engraved [on the stones] was that the twelve tribes also represented all aspects of Divine Good and Truth in the heavens, consequently heaven and all the communities there, though that representation varied according to the order in which they are mentioned in the Word, see 3858, 3862, 3926, 3939, 4060, 4603, 6335, 6337, 6397, 6640, 7836, 7891, 7973, 7996, 7997.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.